Succession Independent Schools work within the independent schools and other education sectors, assisting both employer and employee to achieve their ...
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Succession Independent Schools work within the independent schools and other education sectors, assisting both employer and employee to achieve their long-term goals.
Jenny Shillam
0800 371 643
The Apex, Business Park, Brest Rd, Derriford Roundabout, Plymouth, PL6 5FL
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Our dedicated team of Planners specialise in the Teachers’ Pension Scheme, providing the knowledge and confidence needed to make the right decisions at the right time. We build meaningful and trusted relationships with every institution and individual we work with, by understanding them and their aspirations, so that we can provide the guidance they need to achieve their objectives. Our expertise covers areas such as TPS consultation, remuneration and retirement planning, residential emolument, and annual pension accrual tax calculations. We also have other specialist teams here to support you. Succession Employee Benefit Solutions Limited offering a full suite of employee benefits designed to attract, engage, and retain staff and Succession Wealth Limited offering financial advice for individuals and their families. Succession Independent Schools is a trading style of Succession Wealth Management Ltd, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Financial Services Register number 588378. 

The organisations listed are organisations with an interest in the education sector whom HMC has not necessarily worked with; HMC has approved the directory entries on the basis of its own due diligence, and partners listed have been referred by at least two schools or educational providers. HMC values their expertise, however, does not endorse them and assumes no responsibility or legal duty by being associated with them. It is the responsibility of the school to independently research each company it may wish to engage.
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