British Esports is a not-for-profit national body established in 2016 to promote esports in the UK
Esports is organised, competitive, human versus human video gaming. As a national body, the aims of British Esports are to support esports ecosystem and provide expertise and advice.
We organise the British Esports Student Champs: a weekly, online esports tournament for teams of students from schools and colleges throughout the UK. This year there are 370 teams from 140 centres competing.
In partnership with Pearson, we have also developed L2 and L3 BTECs in Esports. They are fully funded by the EFSA and attract UCAS points in line with all other BTECs. There are currently 86 centres delivering the qualifications.
The organisations listed are organisations with an interest in the education sector whom HMC has not necessarily worked with;
HMC has approved the directory entries on the basis of its own due diligence, and partners listed have been referred by at
least two schools or educational providers. HMC values their expertise, however, does not endorse them and assumes no
responsibility or legal duty by being associated with them. It is the responsibility of the school to independently research
each company it may wish to engage.
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