Schools Leadership has demonstrated expertise in providing a comprehensive range of non-academic leadership appointments, catering to various roles su...
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Schools Leadership has demonstrated expertise in providing a comprehensive range of non-academic leadership appointments, catering to various roles such as Bursar, Finance, Estates, Marketing, Admissions, Development, HR, and Commercial positions, both domestically in the UK and on a global scale.
Kirsty Hassan
07706 332 749
The Management Recruitment Group, 51 Eastcheap, London EC3M 1DT
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Schools Leadership, a niche brand of the Management Recruitment Group (MRG), has an established track record of successfully fulfilling a diverse range of non-academic leadership roles within the UK and globally. With over a decade of experience in the education sector, completing over 500 campaigns for educational institutions, we possess a deep understanding of the individual requirements of educational organisations. This enables us to tailor bespoke campaigns aimed at attracting top-tier professionals for Bursar, Finance, Estates, Marketing, Admissions, Development, HR, and Commercial roles.

Our dedicated team takes pride in our ability to identify and present candidates who closely align with your school's values and objectives. We are committed to comprehensively understanding the unique needs of your institution and the specific demands of each non-academic position. Recognising the diverse skill sets required across departments, we acknowledge the significant impact that non-academic roles have on the overall success of educational institutions.

The organisations listed are organisations with an interest in the education sector whom HMC has not necessarily worked with; HMC has approved the directory entries on the basis of its own due diligence, and partners listed have been referred by at least two schools or educational providers. HMC values their expertise, however, does not endorse them and assumes no responsibility or legal duty by being associated with them. It is the responsibility of the school to independently research each company it may wish to engage.
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