CENTURY is an online teaching and learning tool that combines artificial intelligence with the latest research in learning science and neuroscience.
CENTURY is the online teaching and learning tool that combines artificial intelligence with the latest research in learning science and neuroscience. It creates constantly adapting personalised pathways for every student and powerful intervention data for teachers.
Our intelligent intervention tool works in three ways:
- The artificial intelligence engine creates personalised learning pathways that plug gaps in knowledge and remedy misconceptions.
- Easy-to-use data dashboards aid teacher-led interventions. Students who need additional support or challenge are quickly identified.
- Teachers are provided with thousands of high-quality resources for use in a variety of learning models including homework, classwork or revision.
More at www.century.tech
The organisations listed are organisations with an interest in the education sector whom HMC has not necessarily worked with;
HMC has approved the directory entries on the basis of its own due diligence, and partners listed have been referred by at
least two schools or educational providers. HMC values their expertise, however, does not endorse them and assumes no
responsibility or legal duty by being associated with them. It is the responsibility of the school to independently research
each company it may wish to engage.
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